It goes without saying that the densely packed power housed in your drone's lithium-ion batteries is essential for flight. Whether you are charging, discharging, transporting, or storing a DJI lithium-ion battery it is important to adhere to best practices and manufacturer guidelines so you can get the most out of your batteries.
Before moving forward it's important to understand the basics of how a lithium-ion battery works. For simplicity, think of the inside of your battery cell as being divided into two sides, anode and cathode. During discharge lithium ions will travel from the anode to the cathode inside the battery while electrons must take a different route outside of the battery as electrical current. When the battery is being charged the opposite occurs and lithium ions will travel back to the anode. This constant flow back and forth among other factors does eventually bring an end to the lithium-ion batteries' useful life.
Here are some pro tips from the DJI Enterprise Battery Maintenance Guide on proper maintenance, charging, storage, and use of your drone batteries.